The BDO Local Government team are delighted to announce the launch of the 2013 Social Media survey, “Following the Trends”.
Following the trends

The rise in internet access, popularity of smartphones and tablets and increased culture of internet shopping and has dramatically changed the ways that customers expect to receive services online. Our work in customer access has shown us how quickly and dramatically social media is changing the way that local authorities interact with their customers. This year’s survey shows that 98% of Councils are using some form of social media however 71% of respondents agreed with the statement that “there is either lots of confusion or limited understanding about a social media strategy in my organisation”.

Following the success of last year’s social media report “From Housing and Litter to Facebook and Twitter”, we have refreshed our research to identify the key issues for local authorities using social media are currently facing and see what’s changed since last year. Our report provides the results of a survey with over 60 local government officers and offers cutting edge examples of how Councils can develop their social media presence by measuring the impact of their social media, minimising risk and finding the best tools to match their needs.

We’d love to hear from you if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss use of social media in your local authority.

You can contact us:

Twitter: @BDOlocalgov
or search for #followthetrends

Enjoy reading!


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